標題: Digimon Data squad
Rank: 1

UID 35511
精華 0
積分 1
帖子 135
活躍度 1
現金 384017 數碼元
存款 0 數碼元
網聚活躍度 0
威望 0
閱讀權限 5
註冊 2007-2-12
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-9-26 08:54 PM  資料  個人空間  短消息  加為好友 
Digimon Data squad

Main characters
Character Seiyuu Voice actor Digimon Seiyuu Voice actor

Marcus Damon
Daimon Masaru (大門 マサル) Soichiro Hoshi Quinton Flynn Agumon Taiki Matsuno Brian Beacock
The main character of the series, Marcus Daimon is the son of the researcher, Spencer Daimon, who disappeared into the mysterious realm known as the Digital World almost 10 years ago. Loud and outspoken, Marcus calls himself "the number one street fighter in Japan." After encountering Agumon, he becomes the Digimon';s partner after receiving a Digivice from the mysterious old man, Hiroshi Yushima. Marcus and Agumon later become members of DATS in order to face tougher and stronger opponents. As the series progresses, though, he finds much more to fight for.

Thomas H. Norstein
Tohma H Norstein (トーマ・H・ノルシュタイン) Hirofumi Nojima Crispin Freeman Gaomon Kazuya Nakai Skip Stellrecht
Thomas H. Norstein is a half-Austrian, half-Japanese young man, and a child prodigy. An Olympic-level boxer and a genius scholarly and tactically, he is a vital member of the DATS team. When Marcus joined DATS, Thomas was away in Europe, and when they finally met, they were at odds. However, they overcame their difficulties, and have since become steady team-mates. Gaomon is Thomas'; loyal Digimon partner, and is a focused and serious-minded warrior.

Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda
Fujieda Yoshino (藤枝 ヨシノ) Yui Aragaki Colleen O';Shaughnessey Lalamon Yukana Nogami Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Yoshi is the third member of the core team, as well as the oldest. She and her partner Lalamon have been partners for many years. Though not initially as strong as Marcus or Thomas, Yoshi has more than enough skill at her job. She suffered from self doubt due to experiences in her childhood, but with Lalamon, was able to overcome them.

Keenan Crier
Noguchi Ikuto (野口 イクト) Rie Kugimiya Brianne Siddall Falcomon Chie Kojiro Steven Jay Blum
Keenan is a mysterious 10-year-old boy who, years before the start of the series, was lost in an accident involving a Digital Gate. Keenan was raised by a Digimon called Frigimon, who was killed in a massacre orchestrated by a man named Akihiro Kurata. A servant of Mercurimon, Keenan eventually hated all humans, but began to change his opinion as he learned his true origins. Falcomon is his partner and childhood friend, who does his best to help Keenan as he comes to grips with his humanity. Keenan looks up to Marcus as a big brother.

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Evan (意粉Evan+~Boyz' Reborn fans~)
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
~Boyz' Reborn fans~

UID 18348
精華 19
積分 1722
帖子 46007
活躍度 1722
現金 4391 數碼元
存款 1786674013 數碼元
網聚活躍度 0
威望 0
閱讀權限 200
註冊 2003-3-8
最喜愛的數碼暴龍  大耳獸
最喜愛的數碼暴龍人物  李健良
來自 神秘的數碼國
狀態 離線
發表於 2007-9-27 01:25 PM  資料  個人空間  主頁 短消息  加為好友  添加 Evan 為MSN好友 通過MSN和 Evan 交談 Yahoo!
Digimon Data squad


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除了超愛digimon, 勁like Boyz' reborn 年紀小小的band~
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